Brooklyn family.

Catskills double-wide.

Wildlife, design, food & drink, travel, real estate, country characters, adventures, waterfalls.

Cute Animal Alert: GOATS!

Cute Animal Alert: GOATS!

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We had to pull over when we saw these buddies down the road from our double-wide. They live among chickens, pheasants and a couple of donkeys in a wooded field beside a little gray house. The house has been around as long as I can remember, but it has never been a home to farm animals before.

We've seen chickens jumping in and out of an open window, so there's been some discussion about whether the animals live with a family of people or if the animals actually own the house themselves. It seems entirely possibly (to Archer) that the animals live there together like a storybook animal family, sort of like in Mark Teague's The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf or Funny Farm. I suggested that perhaps some people-farmers live in another house nearby, but Archer thought that was ridiculous.

Point taken. If these goats were ours, we'd want to live as close to them as possible.

I told Archie to grab this feather for his collection, but then Pete said it might give him bird flu so we just took a picture and left it in the road. Can you really get bird flu from a guinea fowl feather? We're still negotiating our Country Safety Rules. Also wondering how dangerous it is to give a goat a hug. Feel free to leave some advice in the comments.

Goodbye, Old Friend

Goodbye, Old Friend

Tomatoes of My Dreams

Tomatoes of My Dreams